During the course of a public safety officer’s career, many uniformed employees become injured and disabled on the job. If a public safety officer is unable to continue his or her employment as a result of the injury, they are often left with no choice but to medically retire. The Police and Firemen’s Retirement System (PFRS), is the New Jersey public employee retirement system that services the vast majority of public safety officers in the state of New Jersey. PFRS offers two disability retirement pensions that have diverse entitlements based primarily on how the accident occurred that lead to the disabling injury. It is the Board of Trustees for PFRS that makes the determination of what type of disability pension an individual will qualify to receive. In this post, I will talk briefly about the two types of disability pensions and the benefits associated with each. In my next post, I will discuss the current state of the law as it pertains to accidental versus ordinary disability, and how the applicable pension standards are being interpreted by the Board of Trustees for PFRS and the New Jersey Courts.    


To qualify for Ordinary Disability retirement benefits a public safety officer must:

  • be a member in service at the time the application is filed with the Division of Pensions and Benefits;
  • have 4 or more years of New Jersey service credit in the pension system (the purchase of out-of-state, military, and U.S. government civilian service cannot be used to attain the 4 years); and
  • be considered totally and permanently disabled (the member must prove that he or she is physically or mentally incapacitated from performing the normal or assigned job duties with no possibility for significant improvement).

Ordinary Disability Retirement benefits are not reduced by any Social Security or private insurance benefits that may be payable.   However, any Workers’ Compensation award receive from the accident that may have caused the disability may be reduced, or receive a “setoff”.

Ordinary Disability retirement benefits are subject to federal tax to the same extent as other pensions.


To qualify for Accidental Disability retirement benefit,s a public safety officer must:

  • be a member in service at the time the application is filed with the Division of Pensions and Benefits;
  • be an active member of PFRS on the date the “traumatic event” occurred that caused the injury;
  • be considered totally and permanently disabled as a direct result of a” traumatic event” that happened during and as a direct result of carrying out his or her regular or assigned job duties;
  • file an application within five years of the date of the traumatic event; and
  • be examined by physicians selected by PFRS. Said physicians must render an opinion that the member is totally and permanently disabled as a result of the “traumatic event”.

The definition of a "Traumatic Event" has been the subject of great debate and disagreement by the New Jersey courts. This definition will be discussed in more detail in my next post.

If a public safety officer qualifies for an Accidental Disability Retirement pension, the annual benefit will be 2/3 of the annual compensation on which pension contributions were being made at the time of retirement or the date of the traumatic event, whichever provides the higher benefit.

If the Public Safety Officer is receiving periodic Workers’ Compensation benefits, the Accidental Disability retirement benefits will be reduced dollar for dollar by the periodic benefits paid after the retirement date. The retirement benefit is not reduced by any Social Security or private insurance benefits that may be payable.

The Division of Pensions and Benefits reports Accidental Disability retirement benefits as exempt from federal income tax; and benefits are not subject to New Jersey State income tax until the age 65.

With the high occurrence of injury on the job, public safety officers and union leadership must make themselves familiar with the different retirement benefits in order to give proper guidance to their membership. It is often disability retirement benefits that injured public safety officers rely on to support their family members after they can no longer protect and serve.

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Photo of Frank M. Crivelli Frank M. Crivelli

Frank M. Crivelli’s practice revolves around the representation of over eighty-five (85) labor unions in various capacities, the majority of which bargain for law enforcement entities. He is proud to be called on a daily basis to provide counsel to over 12,000 state…

Frank M. Crivelli’s practice revolves around the representation of over eighty-five (85) labor unions in various capacities, the majority of which bargain for law enforcement entities. He is proud to be called on a daily basis to provide counsel to over 12,000 state, county and local law enforcement officers, firefighters and EMS workers.

Mr. Crivelli specializes his individual practice in collective negotiations.  Over the past twenty (20) years, Mr. Crivelli has negotiated well over one hundred (100) collective bargaining agreements for various state, county, municipal and private organizations and has resolved over thirty-five (35) labor agreements that have reached impasse through compulsory interest arbitration.  Mr. Crivelli routinely litigates matters in front of the New Jersey State Public Employment Relations Commission, the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law, third party neutrals for mediation, grievance and interest arbitration, the Superior Court of New Jersey and the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.

Mr. Crivelli founded and created the New Jersey Public Safety Officers Law Blog (www.njpublicsafetyofficers.com) approximately fifteen (15) years ago where he and members of his firm routinely publish blog posts regarding legal issues related to the employment of New Jersey Public Safety Officers.  The blog now contains over six hundred (600) articles and is reviewed and relied upon by thousands of public employees.  Mr. Crivelli has also published books and manuals pertaining to New Jersey Public Employee Disability Pension Appeals and the New Jersey Worker’s Compensation System. Currently, he is drafting a publication on how to Prepare and Negotiate a Collective Bargaining Agreement.  He lectures annually at the New Jersey State PBA Collective Bargaining Seminar, the National Association of Police Organization’s Legal Seminar, the New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission Seminar on Public Employment Labor Law, the United States Marine Corps’ Commander’s Media Training Symposium and to Union Executive Boards and General Membership bodies on various labor related topics.

Prior to entering private practice, Mr. Crivelli joined the United States Marine Corps where he served as a Judge Advocate with the Legal Services Support Section of the First Force Services Support Group in Camp Pendleton, California.  While serving in the Marine Corps, Mr. Crivelli defended and prosecuted hundreds of Special and General Court Martial cases and administrative separation matters.  In addition to his trial duties, Mr. Crivelli was also charged with the responsibility of training various Marine and Naval combat command elements on the interpretation and implementation of the rules of engagement for various military conflicts that were ongoing throughout the world at that time. After leaving active duty, Mr. Crivelli remained in the Marine Corps Reserves where he was promoted to the rank of Major before leaving the service.

For the past fifteen (15) years, Mr. Crivelli has been certified as a Civil Trial Attorney by the Supreme Court for the State of New Jersey, a certification which less than two percent (2%) of the attorneys in New Jersey have achieved.  He is a graduate of Washington College (B.A.), the City University of New York School of Law (J.D.), the United States Naval Justice School, and the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation.