I am pleased to announce that the New Jersey Public Safety Officers Law Blog was recently featured as the "blawg of the day" on Inter-Alia, An Internet Legal Research Weblog, amongst other things. Inter-Alia is authored by Tom Mighell. Tom is the author of The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together. The book is published by the American Bar Association Law Practice Management Section.
Tom is senior counsel and Litigation Technology support coordinator at Cowles & Thompson in Dallas. He is a frequent speaker and writer on the Internet, and has published the Internet Legal Research Weekly newsletter since 2000 and the Internet and technology blog Inter Alia since 2002. He is a member of the ABA TECHSHOW Planning Board, and currently serves as chair of ABA TECHSHOW 2008.
I want to thank Tom for the recognition and state that I am grateful that our work in educating Public Safety Officers as to their legal rights in the Garden State has not gone unnoticed. I also want to thank everyone who visits our blog on a routine basis to learn about the laws that affect Police Officers, Corrections Officers and Firefighters in the state of New Jersey.
Once Again–Thank You
Frank M. Crivelli, Esq.