As reported by, as Hightstown considers outsourcing its police department to East Windsor, the Council is set to vote on a new police union agreement tonight. The council vote would ratify the memorandum of agreement with the police officers and execute a collective bargaining agreement for 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. A separate ordinance is on the council’s agenda to amend their salaries.
A formal contract cannot be signed until the salary ordinance is adopted and the agreement passed, Mayor Larry Quattrone said. With the new police union agreement vote scheduled, closed-door talks between Hightstown and East Windsor remain ongoing as officials consider merging police forces under a shared services agreement.
In 2010, the Council approved a five-year contract for its officers and quashed the idea of disbanding Hightstown’s force while expanding East Windsor’s and charging it with patrolling the one-square-mile borough. Negotiations had progressed to the point where lawyers had begun drawing up draft contracts. Former Mayor Bob Patten said at the time it was “in the best interest of Hightstown to keep” its police. But this year, the future of the police department appears to be on dual paths as officials consider the union contract while contemplating the outsourcing.
Please continue to check this blog periodically to ascertain updates for not only the collective bargaining agreement, but the possible shared services agreement as well.