In James Meyers v. State Health Benefits Commission, (New Jersey Supreme Court Slip Opinion A-27-22) (087633) the New Jersey Supreme Court examined a New Jersey public employee’s right to “free” retiree health benefits under the legal doctrine of Equitable Estoppel. In this matter, James Meyers, was a New Jersey State Trooper that had since retired
Chapter 78 PL 2011
The Costs of Chapter 78, P.L., 2011 on New Jersey Retirees’ Healthcare Contributions
By Michael DeRose on
Chapter 78, P.L., 2011 (hereinafter referred to as “Chapter 78”) went into effect on June 28, 2011, and has increased the average healthcare contributions required of public employees substantially. However, not all employees and retirees are equally effected. This article will briefly outline the effect Chapter 78 will have on newly and prospective retirees.