The Asbury Park Press published an article in today’s Sunday edition addressing the ability of The State of New Jersey to honor its pension obligations to those public employees that have been paying into the retirement system since the start of their public employment . The article, entitled "Can New Jersey Keep its Pension Promises?"
New Jersey Teachers Pension and Annuity Fund
The Public Employee Pension and Benefits Reform Act of 2008 and Its Affect on New Jersey Public Employees
By Frank M. Crivelli on
Posted in Retiree Benefits
Most recently New Jersey GovernorJon S. Corzine signed the Public Employee Pension and Benefits Reform Act of 2008. While this bill does not affect the members of the Police and Firemen’s retirement System (PFRS), it does affect members of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) and the Teachers Pension and Annuity Fund (TPAF). Certain …