As reported by, Governor Christie said his last budget proposal that will be revealed later this month will include a pension payment that meets the promised contribution schedule. To this end, Christie said the payment will be a $650 million increase over last. At that time, Christie proposed a $1.86 billion payment to
NJ Pension Payment
NJ Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Pension Payment Case
By Donald C. Barbati on
Posted in Public Employment Pension Crisis
As reported by, the New Jersey Supreme Court agreed to decide whether Governor Chris Christie broke the law when he slashed $1.6 billion from this year’s payment into the public worker pension system. Christie’s administration, which had previously indicated it would file in the Appellate Division, last week asked the Supreme Court to…
NJ Treasurer: Making Full Pension Payment Would Have ‘Incredible’ Impact On Residents
By Donald C. Barbati on
Posted in Public Employment Pension Crisis
As reported by, Governor Chris Christie’s treasurer said that the administration has reached out to lawmakers to comply with a judge’s order to work together to restore $1.6 billion to this year’s pension payment, but stressed that actually doing that would mean lots of budget pain for New Jersey residents. A State Superior…